Thursday, November 15, 2018

" If  your so- called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong , you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow"

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~ Thomas S. Monson

 I think that this means that if you do the right thing, things will work .In your favor, like for example if you see someone drop there wallet you can pick it up and walk over to them and give it back to the owner.and they might give you a reward for doing the right thing.this means that if  you do something good it will stay in your heart and mind but if you do something bad it will stay in your conscious you'll. feel terrible because you know you did something bad like this one. time I found a. wallet at Knott's Berry Farm and it had $200 dollars inside so I took the money. and left the wallet there. 

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